Pastor Clark Sexton (Shep), Senior Pastor

Shep is just that, a Shephard.  Shep has been set in as Senior Pastor since 2020.  He has a heart for this house and desires to walk alongside and support his flock.  He has the privilege of first leading his family in life and the Lord.  His wife and children are all involved in ministry and have a heart after the Lord. 







Pastor Chuck Sexton

Raised as a pastors son, Pastor Charles Sexton  served as a Sunday School Superintendent, worship leader, and a ministering Elder before entering the ministry full-time in 1984.  He is now Pastor of Grace Immanuel Bible Church in Novi Michigan, carrying on the work originally established in Detroit, MI by his father in 1946.  His formal education is in architecture where he was successfully employed for many years.  He and his lovely wife, Glidel, have been blissfully married since 1969 and have three children, eight grandchildren and one great-grandson.  He travels to Kenya, East Africa on short term mission trips where   he teaches in pastor’s seminars throughout the country.  Pastor Sexton’s heart cry is to be used of the     Lord to reach across generational, ethnic, and racial barriers and help in the work of raising up a Body of people that are holy and acceptable in God’s sight.



Josh Macchiavello, Youth Leader

Josh has an amazing heart for the youth at Grace.  He has a way of getting their humor and can connect in a way that many cannot.  We are so thankful for his dedication and desire to see our youth grow in their love and understanding of Jesus Christ.  






What We Believe:

We are a House of Restoration. We are a House for Families.  We are a House of Victory.  We are a House of Five-Fold Ministry. We are a House of Grace. We are a House with a heart for missions.  We are a House of Maturity. We are a House of Purpose.  We are a House with a heart for leaders. We are a church of the future. We are members one of another.